Culture is the way we understand our lives and the meaning we make of them. Culture nourishes the values that are the foundation of people-centred development. Culture is also the active participation in the celebration of life, the safeguarding and renewal of heritage, the processes of creative expression, and the discovery of diversity.
Much has been written in the last 40 years on the place of culture in development, but it is difficult to find documents or reports that illustrate in practice, at work, how culture changes our societies in an empowering way. The publication – Culture at Work Africa. The public value of intercultural dialogue for social cohesion in urban Africa – addresses this gap.
It explains the reality of 15 African countries and provides details about 33 projects and programmes co-funded in the context of the initiative; from the frames and narratives to the final outcomes and outputs, from the successes to the difficulties experienced. All the projects described in the report can be understood – should be understood – as learning experiences.
(Preface publication Culture at Work Africa. The public value of intercultural dialogue for social cohesion in urban Africa)