FOMECC Colombia: Progress of the Cultural and Creative Industries Project in Urabá

The project "Promotion of the commercial network of the cultural sector in the Antioquia region, Uraba sub-region, Colombia" which is part of the Promotion of Cultural and Creative Industries Programme FOMECC initiated by Interarts in different countries worldwide, keeps developing its activity in Urabá, Colombia, in collaboration with the University of Antioquia. Worth mentioning among the project's latest activities was the celebration of the conference "The Economy of Culture as a Source of Economic Transformation and Regional Development", that gathered several public and private agents working in the field of culture, economy and entrepreneurship; the creation of the Cross-sectoral Support Group formed by 13 representatives from the main organisations of Antioquia with the aim of generating public-private partnerships for the positioning of creative industries in the sub-region; as well as the launch of the first call for business ideas among which 15 projects were selected to start training activities in issues such as policies and cultural legislation, legal advice, marketing and communications, management, etc., and personal support according to the needs of each entrepreneur. The purpose of this process is to achieve the revitalization, visibility and productivity of the cultural sector and improve the quality of life of artists in the sub-region of Urabá.
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